Clinic HP Dr Chin's blog

Eczema & Allergy


Eczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation of the upper layersoftheskin. eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistentorrecurring skinrashes characterized by redness, itching and dryness,with possiblescalingin more advanced stages. Eczema can be acute,sub-acute orchronic and a variety of treatments exist which canhelpeffectivelymanage the condition.

There are a number of types of eczema. Atopic dermatitsismostcommon in children but can affect adults of all ages.Whilstmanychildren grow out of eczema they may have a tendency todry,sensitive skin in adulthood. Other types of eczemaincludeallergiccontact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.Recognizingthecorrect type of eczema is crucial to an effectivetreatment plan.weare ableto offer Patch Testing on site as well as othertesting.

Eczema treatment can be complex and comprises of amaintenanceskincare programme to reduce the incidence of flares aswell astreatmentfor the acute episodes. Topical steroids andmoisturecream have beenthe mainstay of treatment for eczema afterrulingout the otherconditions.


Allergy can cause months and years of inconvenience and misery.Anallergy is a response within the body to a substanceintheenvironment. This could be something you eat, inhale or touch.simptoms were Eczema, Asthma, Rhinitis, Urticaria, Rash/hives,Swelling,Wheezing, Itchy eyes, ears, lips, throat, or roof of mouth,Runnynose,Sinus pain. As almost any substance can cause an allergyit isoftendifficult for the individual to identify what is causing theproblem.

You may need to have a special blood test called a RAST.Thiscandetect allergy to many allergens such as house dust mites,pollens,cats, dogs, latex, milk, eggs,peanuts etc.  If we suspect thatyourallergymay be caused by something that comes into contactwithyour skin youmay need a patch test.

You will need to attend for a follow up consultation about aweekafteryour first appointment. We will give you your allergytestresultsandthese will be discussed with you in detail. We will giveyouadvice oncontrolling your allergies as well as treating your symptoms.

Our strategies are ointment and anti-allergic medications.