中2 英語 戻る
■ 絶対に覚えたい英会話フレーズ - YouTube
■聴いて学ぼう NHK 基礎英語2 中学2、3年生向け
形容詞と副詞 比較・最上級 テスト対策(アカデミー)
【中2英語x例文x聞き流し】中2で覚えたい英単語400語を詰め込んだ例文を聞き流すことが出来ます。寝る前、電車の中、散歩中など使うことが出来ます。 - YouTube
【中1英熟語x聞き流し】中1までに覚えたい英熟語50語を聞き流すことが出来ます。 - YouTube
【中1英語x例文x聞き流し】中1英単語400語を詰め込んだ例文です。寝る前、電車の中、散歩中など聞き流すことが出来ます。 - YouTube
【聞き流し英単語】中学2年生で習う英単語400語 Part1 - YouTube
【中2英熟語x聞き流し】中2までに覚えたい英熟語50語を聞き流すことが出来ます。 - YouTube
問1 各文の( )内から適語を選びなさい。また、①から③までを疑問文、④~⑥を否定文にしなさい。 ① Ken (am, are, is ) my brother. ② You (am, are, is) very kind. ③ They (am, are, was, were) busy yesterday. ④ We (are, was, were) in America last year. ⑤ Tom and I (am, was, were) good friends. ⑥ I (am, are, is) from New York. |
問2 各文の( )内から適語を選びなさい。また、①から③までを疑問文、④~⑥を否定文にしなさい。 ① You (am, are, is, was, did ) not play soccer yesterday. ② They (isn't, aren't, don't, didn't ) go to America two weeks ago. ③ He didn't (listens, listen, listened ) to the radio. ④ Susan (aren't, wasn't, don't, didn't, doesn't ) say so last Monday. ⑤ We didn't (have, had ) breakfast this morning. ⑥ Lucy (isn't take, aren't take, don't take, didn't take ) many pictures. ⑦ My mother didn't cook (last,next ) Saturday. |
問3 現在進行形と過去進行形
問3 各文の( )内から適語を選び,訳しなさい。 ① I (am, are, is, was, did ) not singing a song now. ② You (aren't, don't, isn't ) playing tennis now. ③ Jane(aren't, wasn't, don't, isn't, doesn't ) doing her homework now. ④ We aren't (eat, eating, ate ) doing her homework now. ⑤ He (aren't, wasn't, don't, isn't, weren't ) talking with his friend then. ⑥ Your brother wasn't (read, reading ) a book at that time. ⑦ My father (aren't, wasn't, don't, isn't, weren't, didn't) washing his car then. ⑧ He wasn't (having, haveing) dinner then. ⑨ They weren't (runing, running) at that time. |
問4 未来形 will be [~になる] He will be a doctor.
be going to [~するつもりです][~しそうだ] ※
問4 ( )に適語を入れて、各文を未来形にしなさい。 ① He cooks dinner. He ( ) cook dinner. ② Yumi goes to the park. Yumi ( )( ) to the park. ③ My father is very busy. My father ( ) ( ) very busy. ④ They don't visit their teacher. They ( ) visit their teacher. ⑤ Does Mike help his father? ( ) Mike ( ) his father? ⑥ What time does she arrive here? ( ) time ( ) she arrive here? |
⑤疑問文、この場合は Will から始めるといいですね。
助動詞 Sum P17
can not →can't 過去:could not→couldn't(~できなかった)
must not→mustn't(~してはいけない)
should not →shouldn't(~すべきでない)
should not→shouldn't(~すべきでない)
I would like to watch TV.
Would you help me? (~してくださいませんか)
Would you like to have some coffee? (~してはいかがですか)
■must とhas to(have to)と、その否定
must ≒ have[has] to(~しなければならない)
I must to get up at six. I have to get up at six.
注意 must not (~してはいけない)
don't have to(~しなくてもいいい)
I must not get up at six. I don't have to get up at six.
問6 日本語と同じ意味になるように( ) 内に適切な単語を入れなさい。 Sum P46 ①( ) is your birthday? あなたの誕生日はいつですか。 ② ( ) do you watch TV? あなたはいつテレビを見ますか。 ③( ) do you play tennis? あなたはどこでテニスをしますか。 ④ ( ) teaches science? だれが理科を教えますか。 ⑤ ( ) bag is that? あれは誰のかばんですか。 ⑥ ( ) do you do after dinner? あなたは夕食後何をしますか。 ⑦ ( ) are you doing now? あなたは今何をしていますか。 ⑧ ( )() CDs do you have? あなたは CD をいくつ持っていますか。 ⑨ ( )( ) is this pencil? この鉛筆はどれくらいの長さですか。 |
p24 | たくさんの | いくつかの いくらかの |
少しある | ほとんどない | 全然ない |
数えられる名詞(複数) | many | some (any) |
a few | few | no |
数えられない名詞(単数) | much | a little | little |
※ a lot of は数、量の両方を表します。
問 (1) There are (many , much) books in the library. (2) I had (a little , a few) time yesterday. (3) We can see (much, a lot of) birds in the sky. (4) Mr.White went to Sapporo (a little , a few) days ago. (5) Were there (some , any) children in the park? (6) There is (some , any) milk in the glass. |
答 (1)many (2) a little (3) a lot of (4) a few (5) any (6) some
■よく使う会話表現 Sum P48
Nice to meet you.
I'm glad to see you.
How are you? I'm fine , thank you.
This is Tom.He is from America.
Welcome to my house.
May I help you? Can I help you? What can I do for you?
I'm looking for a bug.
How about this one?
Please show me another one.
May I try it on ? Can I try it on ?
I'll take it.
How much is it?
Here's your change.
Part1 My spring vacation P4
Show and Tellをしよう
Hello, everyone. I’m Ando Saki. I went to Fukui with my family two weeks ago. This is a picture of a dinosaur museum. You can get a lot of information about dinosaurs and natural history at the museum. We enjoyed delicious food, too. For example, we ate Echizen soba. We had a good time. Thank you. |
Part2 スピーチの内容について質問しよう P5
Unit1 A Friend in a Sister school
Back-to-School Sale!
Midori Stationery Shop is having a sale. This pen was 150 yen last week. Now it’s 100 yen. Five notebooks were 500 yen. Now they’re 400 yen. Don’t miss this sale. |
Midori Stationery Shop:緑文房具店
Don’t miss this sale.:お見逃しなく
5冊のノートが500円でした。 いまは400円。
1-2 Dialog p8
Saki: ![]() Are you ready, Deepa? Our class starts in a few minutes. Deepa: ![]() Just a second! ….OK. Let’s go. Saki: What were you doing? Deepa: I was looking for my pencil case. Saki: Oh, did you buy that? It’s nice. Deepa: Thanks. I bought it yesterday at the back-to-school sale. back-to-school sale:新学期セール |
1-3 Read and think
April 20, 4:25 a.m. Hi. I’m Judy Smith from the United States. I’m in the seventh grade. seventh grade:7年生 My school starts in September and ends in June. September:9月 June:6月 It is the same in Japan? My school has lots of fun events. Last month, we had a dance. Both students and teachers danced in the cafeteria on that day. It was fun! What events do you have at your school? |
1-4 Read and think
Saki ![]() I was surprised. Your school is different from ours. In Japan, the school year starts in April. Deepa
![]() You all look happy! Our school has fun events, like a chorus contest. Each class sings togehter on stage kota ![]() You wrote your message at 4:25 a.m. Japan time.
I was sleeping then! Now you’re sleeping right? Alex ![]() We live far away from each other, but we can be friends. Let’s keep in touch. |
UNIT2 A trip to the UK イギリス旅行 P18
Hi, Deepa. What are your plans for the holidays? I’m going to visit the U.K. next week. My sister and I are going to see many things. Do you want anything from the U.K.? Kota |
イギリスから何か欲しい? 光太
2-2 Dialog
空港---入国審査 ![]() ![]() ![]()
2-3 P22
picture:Line travel
![]() Look at that clock tower beside the Thames. It’s about 150 years old. Many people call it Big Ben. Maybe the name comes from its builder, Benjamin Hall. He was a very big man. Now, we’re going to ride that big Ferris wheel. It’s about 20 years old. People call it the London Eye. It’s 135 meters tall. We can see a great view from the top. In London, we can find boty old buildings and new ones. It’s really interesting. |
![]() ![]() 写真:Wikipedia |
Emi and I are at Oxford University now. It took about one hour from London to Oxford by train. Look. This is the dining hall. Maybe you know it from the Harry Potter movies. I love them. So I remember this hall from many scenes. Now I’m looking at the real thing. It’s amazing. We can see so many things in our travels. The world is full of interesting places. |
![]() 写真:tripnote |
◆ていねいにお願い お願いがあるんですけど。
Excuse me. May I ask you a favor?
Could you take our picture?
"All right".Say cheese!
Could you take another one, please.
No problem.
・Can I use your pen?(あなたのペンを使ってもいいですか)
・May I use your pen?(あなたのペンを使わせていただいてもよろしいでしょうか)
・May I have your name?
・Can you help me?(手伝ってもらえない?)
・Could you help me?(手伝っていただけませんでしょうか)
・Could you tell me the way to the Kokura station?
不定詞 サミングアップP37
問 (1)~(3)は日本文に、(4)~(6)は( )内の語を正しく並びかえて英文を完成させなさい。 (1) My friends like to play soccer. 私の友達は( )が好きです。 (2) It began to rain. また雨が( ) (3) To get up early is easy for me.( )は、私にはやさしいです。 (4) I (go / to /want) there with you. I there with you. (5) Did(to /you /find /try) the answer? Did the answer? (6) His hobby is (pictures/ take /to ). His hobby is . |
答 (1) サッカーをすることが (2) 降り始めました。(3) 早く起きること
(4) want to go (5) you try to find (6) to take pictures
UNIT3 Career day
Don’t forget: □Wash your hands in the right way. □Look in the mirror to check your appearance. □Greet customers with a smile to welcome them. |
I’m here to learn about jobs in restaurants.
3-2 P34
![]() Career Day:職業訓練の日 ![]()
わぁーっ。 で、、どうだった?
3-3 職場体験 新聞社
Kota and I went to a newspaper company on Career Day. Mr. Suzuki, a journalist, showed us around the office. Then he took us out to interview a soccer player. Mr. Suzuki told us, “Newspapers are important to people everywhere. We need to report the news every day. We have many things to do.” Now I read newspapers every morning. For my future, I have many things to learn. |
I went to a soccer stadium to interview Miyama Aya. Mr. Suzuki, a journalist, took us there. Ms. Miyama played for some teams in the United States. I want to play soccer abroad in the future, too. So I asked her for some advice. She said, ” You need to get along with your teammates. You need to break the language barrier. Get a lot of experience. It’s all about your heart.” Her massage impressed me. To play abroad is not easy, but I really want to try. |
UNIT4 Homestay in the United States P54
Homestay Advice You’re a member of the family. You have to follow the family’s rules. You have to speak English here. But you don’t have to speak perfect English. Communication is important. |
4-2 Mrs Wilson&Saki
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Saki![]() Everyone in my host family is kind to me. But my host mother always gives me too much food. Do I have to eat everything, or can I tell her? Teacher’s answer Saki |
咲 私のホストファミリーのみなさん、私に親切です。
すべて全て食べなくてはいけませんか? それとも彼女に話すべきでしょうか?
先生 あなたはホストマザーに話さなければなりません。
咲 アドバイス、ありがとうございます。
Carlo I’m sad. My host family is very busy. They don’t take me anywhere, so I have nothing to do on weekends. Saki’s host family always takes her to interesting places. Teacher’s answer Carlo |
UNIT5 Universal Design
5-1 P68
ユニバーサルデザイン(Universal Design/UD)とは文化や言葉、国籍や年齢、性別、能力などの違いにかかわらず、
These are universal design products. You can use them easily and safely. If you are interested, we will send you a catalog. Our phone number is 5390-7416 |
![]() I washed my hair twice. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I think universal designs are great. |
5-3 P72
I used a wheelchair for the first time in my life today. When I sat in it, I couldn’t use it easily. I felt a little scared. I tried to get on a bus, but it was difficult. The bus door was wide. Even so, it was very hard. I needed a lot of help. I learned an important lesson from this experience. From now on, when I see someone in need, I’ll give them a hand. |
Universal design products are all around us. For example, look at this plastic bottle. We can hold it easily because it has a special shape. Now, look at this picture. Do you see the ramp by the stairs? (ramp:スロープ) If you’re in a wheelchair, or pushing a stroller, you can use the ramp. These days, many public places use the idea of universal design. I think (that) it’s great because the products are useful for everyone. |
Excuse me. Which bus goes to the Palace Theater?
Would( Will /Could) you tell me the way to the Kokura station?
How can I get to the Kokura station?.
How long does it take to the post office?.
How far is it to the post office?
Walk along this street.
Turn left at the second corner.
You'll see a white building on your right.
Take this bus to he Kokura station.
Excuse me, Do you speak English?
Yes, a little. May I help you, sir?
Thanks. So, I’d like to go to the subway station. Could you tell me how
to get there?
So, now, we are here.
Go straight ahead on this street, and then turn left at the third traffic light.
You will find the station next to the coffee shop. You can not miss
OK, thank you so much!
You are welcome
道案内に使える英語表現集【#252】 - YouTube
1 場所や行き方を教えてほしい場合
Could you tell me where … ? ~はどこにありますか
Do you know where is … ? ~はどこにありますか
How do I get to… ?~へはどのように行けばよいのでしょうか
2 近くに何があるかを教えてほしい場合
Is there… near here?
Is there… nearby? この近くに、… はありますか
I’m looking for …, how can I get there. … を探しているのですが、どうやって行けばよいのでしょうか
UNIT6 Rakugo in English
Come and Laugh! There is a single cushion on the stage. (cushion:座布団) There are many seats for the audience. What will happen here? rakugo in English |
6-2 落語って?
![]() ![]() (performer:落語家) ![]() ![]() There’s only a cushion. (cushion:座布団) ![]() ![]() The performer uses them in different ways. (A fan and a hand towe:扇子と手ぬぐい) |
6-3 落語
These days, rakugo is spreading to other countries.
Their cultures are different, so rakugo performers change parts
of the stories. |
6-4 落語 p96
In a cafeteria, three classmates are talking about scary things. Ann: Ha-ha. How about you, Mark? |
Ann: ぼく、ヘビが怖い。
Eric: ええと、ぼくはねテストが怖いよ。
Ann: ははは。 マーク、あなたはどう?
Mark: ぼく…ドーナツ。 見たくもないよ。
Ann: 本当に?
Eric: それは面白いね(エリックはドーナツをいくつか買います)。
Eric: マーク、これが怖いっていうドーナツだよ。
Mark: ああ、いや!(マークはドーナツを食べ始める)
Eric: ねえ、きみはドーナツが怖いと言ったね!
Mark: うん。 ドーナツを見るのは本当に怖い。 だからね、ぼくはそれらを食べているんだよ。
問 並べ替えなさい。 ① ぼくは、マークは音楽が好きだと思うよ。 Mark /think /I /that /likes /music ② あなたはマークがテニスが得意って知ってる? Mark /know /you /that /good at / tennis/ do/ is/ ? ③ きみはマークが忙しいと言った。 busy /said /you /that /Mark /was . ④ ぼくは、英語は大切だと思います。 think /I /that /is /important /English . |
① ぼくは、マークは音楽が好きだと思うよ。
I think that Mark likes music.
② あなたはマークがテニスが得意って知ってる?
Do you know that Mark is good at tennis?
③ きみはマークが忙しいと言った。
You said that Mark was busy.
④ ぼくは、英語は大切だと思います。
I think that Einglish is important.
UNIT 7 The Movie Dolphin tale
Let’s compare sea animals. The dolphin is larger than the tuna. But the tuna swims faster than the dolphin. tuna:まぐろ The blue whale is the largest of all animals. blue whale:シロナガスクジラ It is longer than a 25-meter swimming pool! |
![]() so I really enjoyed your book.
Sawyer is a shy 11-year-old boy. One day, he sees a dolphin on a beach. The dolphin has a serious tako injury. Sawyer tries to help her. Soon some people from an aquarium come to rescue her. Sawyer visits the aquarium every day to see her. Winter knows that Sawyer saved her life. So she looks happy when she sees Sawyer. Winter becomes her best friend. Winter looks happy, but her condition does not get better. |
7-4 -映画イルカと少年(2)ー
Winter’s injury is very bad. injury:けが The doctor must cut off her tail. Without a tail, she’ll die. But making an artificial one is very expensive. artificial:人工的な People at the aquarium are sad, but they can’t do anything. Sawyer thinks of an idea. He plans a charity event with volunteers. Many people come, and Sawyer collects money for Winter. Sawyer is no longer shy. Finally, Winter gets a new tail. It’s the best thing for her. good better best She can swim as well as other dolphins. This movie is a true story of the bond between people and animals bond:きずな、つなぐ |
7-5 買い物
店員 Hello. May I help you? エリカ Yes please. I like these jackets. 店員 We have more in the back. What color are you looking for? be looking for エリカ Something bright. 店員 How about this orange one? エリカ Oh,that cool. But it's too big for me. 店員 Shall I show you a small one? エリカ Yes,please. Oh,this is nice. How much is it? 店員 It's sixty dollars. エリカ OK. I'll take it. |
アカデミー p132-133
問 アンダーラインに適語を入れなさい。 (1) もう少し大きい商品を出しましょうか。 I show you a bigger one? (2) もう少し明るい商品を出しましょうか。 show you something brigher? (3) 写真を撮りましょうか。 I a picture? (4) ドアをあけましょうか。ーーはい、お願いします。 open the door? Yes, . (5) 手伝いましょうか。ーーいいえ、結構です。 I you? No, you. (6) これは私には大きすぎます。 This is big for me. (7) それはいくらですか。 is it? (8) この黒いのはいかがですか。How this black one? (9) (店で客が店員に)それをください。I'll , it. (10) なにをお探しになってらっしゃるのですか。What you looking ? |
(1) Shall (2) Shall, I (3) Shall I (4) Shall I /please (5)Shall help
/ thank
(6) too (7) How much (8) about (9) take (10) are , for
■比較 最上級
比較 | 良く使う単語 | 意味 |
原級 | as (形容詞or副詞) as | 「
」 |
比較級 | more + than | 「~以上」 |
(形容詞)er+than | 「
」 |
最上級 | the most + of (in) | 「
」 |
My father is older than my uncle. old→older→oldest
He swims faster than her. fast→faster→fastest
She is (much) younger than you. young→younger→youngest
この場合のmuchは比較級の修飾です。 例えば much (ずっと) a little (少し)
She is
younger than you.
Your city is bigger than our city. |
My father gets up
earlier than me.
I can play the piano
better than you (can).
英語は数学よりおもしろいです。 | English is
more interesting than Math.
Tom is the tallest in his class. | |
This pencil is the longest of the five. | |
I get up (the) earliest in my family. | |
Osaka is one of the biggest cities in Japan. one of the ~est 最も~なうちのひとつ |
彼女は彼ら全員の中で最も若いです。 | She is the
youngest of all.
あなたの市は日本で最も大きい市です | Your city is the
biggest city in Japan.
My father gets up (the)
earliest in my family.
He can play soccer the
best of all.
英語はすべての中で最もおもしろい教科です | English is
the most interesting subject of all.
・ [of] と[in]の使い分け
of + 複数を表す語 | in + 場所や範囲 |
of us | in the class |
of the five | in my family |
of the girls | in the world |
・as ~as の文
I am as tall as Saki. | |
Saki can run as fast as Tom. | |
Your dog is not as big as mine. | |
My bag is " as " heavy "as " yours |
This book is " as " interesting "as
" that book. |
I can swim " as " fast "as " he (can). |
できるだけ速く走りなさい | Run as fast as you can |
・not as ~as の文 not as big as …ほど~でない
テスト対策 教科書p100-109
アカデミー p121
問1咲はディーパから図鑑を借りました。次の英文を読んであとの問いに答えなさい。 |
(1) smaller (2)イ (3)She is reading about sea animals.[about sea animals]
アカデミー p123
問2 次の日本文に合う英文になるように、 に適する語を書きなさい。 (1)あなたはこの映画を見るべきです。 You see this movie. (2)その場面を見逃さないでください。 the scene. (3) わたしはそれらを調べなければなりません。 I have to them . (4)これは世界でいちばん美しい話です。 This is the beautiful story the world. |
(1) should (2) Don't miss (3) check, out (4) most, in
問3 次の対話文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Saki: I love dolphins, so I really enjoyed your book. Deepa: Oh, then you should see this movie, Dolphin Tale. It’s more interesting than this book. Saki: Really? Deepa: Yes. Don’t miss the ending. That scene is the most impressive in the movie. Saki: OK. I’ll check it out. (1)ディーパは咲に何をすすめていますか。タイトルを英語で答えなさい。 (2)本文の内容に合うように、次の英文の問いに英語で答えなさい。 Which scene is the most impressive for Deepa? (3)本文の内容と合うものを下から選び、記号で答えなさい。[ ] ア Saki isn't going to see the movie,Dolphin Tale. イ Saki doesn't like dolphins so much. ウ Deepa thinks Saki should see the movie,Dolphin Tale. |
(1) Dolphin Tale (2)It's the ending.[The ending is] (3)ウ
問4 次の日本文に合う英文になるように、()内の語句を並べ替えなさい。 (1) この魚はあの魚よりもおいしいです。 ( is / one /than / this fish / better /that) . (2) これはすべての中でいちばんすばらしい時計です。 This (of / best /all / clock / the /is) This . (3) 彼の車はあなたの車より良さそうですね。 (than / his car /better / yours / looks) . (4) それはわたしの人生の中でいちばんベストな時間でした。 That ( best /my life / the / in /time /was) That . |
(1) This fish is better than that one.
(2) is the best clock of all.
(3) His car looks better than yours.
(4) was the best time in my life.
問5 訳しなさい。 (1)This is the best restaurant in this town. |
(1) この町でいちばんすばらしいレストランです。
アカデミー p125
問6 日本文に合うように に適する語を書きなさい。 (2) わたしたちはその犬にシロという名前をつけました。 |
(1) year old (2) named (3) take care (4) better
問7 ある日ソーヤ―は浜辺でイルカとであいました。次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 The dolphin has a serious tail injury. Sawyer tries to help her. Soon some people from an aquarium come to rescue her.They name her Winter and take care of her. (中略) Winter knows that Sawyer saved her life. So she looks happy when she sees Sawyer. Winter becomes his (good) friend. (1) ( )内の語を最上級にかえなさい。 [ ] (2) 本文の内容に合うように、次の英文の問いに日本語で答えなさい。 What do people in the aquarium name the dolphine? (3) 本文の内容に合うように、次の英文の問いに英語で答えなさい。 Why does Winter look happy when she sees Sawyer? |
(1) best (2) ウィンター (3) Because she knows that Sawyer saved her life.
問8 次の英文は「いるかと少年」という映画のあらすじの一部です。これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Winter’s injury is very bad. The doctor must cut off her tail. |
(1) tail (2) best (3)彼女はほかのイルカたちと同じぐらい、上手に泳ぐことができます。
(4)イ (5)It's a true story of the bond between people and animals.
■ 比較変化表 ※頻繁に使われる単語、また比較変化です。必ず覚えましょう。
● er est 型 [一例]
意味 | |||
clean |
cleanest | ||||
cold | colder | coldest | ||||
cool | cooler | coolest | ||||
fast | faster | fastest | ||||
hard | harder | hardest | ||||
long | longer | longest | ||||
new | newer | newest | ||||
old | older | oldest | ||||
short | shorter | shortest | ||||
fast | faster | fastest | ||||
small | smaller | smallest | ||||
soon | sooner | soonest | ||||
strong | stronger | strongest | ||||
tall | taller | tallest | ||||
warm | warmer | warmest | ||||
big | bigger | biggest | ||||
hot | hotter | hottest | ||||
large | larger | largest | ||||
late | later | latest | ||||
safe | safer | safest | ||||
busy | busier | busiest | ||||
early | earlier | earliest | ||||
easy | easier | easiest |
● more most 型 ※比較的文字数の多い単語に使われます。
意味 | |||
beautiful | more beautiful | most beautiful | ||||
careful |
more careful | most careful | ||||
difficult | more difficult | most difficult | ||||
exciting | more exciting | most exciting | ||||
famous | more famous | most famous | ||||
helpful | more helpful | most helpful | ||||
important | more important | most important | ||||
interesting | more interesting | most interesting | ||||
popular | more popular | most popular | ||||
tired | more tired | most tired | ||||
useful | more useful | most useful | ||||
wonderful | more wonderful | most wonderful | ||||
原級 | 比較級 | 最上級 |
good |
best |
well |
best |
bad | worse |
many(数えられる) |
much(数えられない) |
little |
日本語 | 英語 |
「 私は父と同じくらい背が高いです。 」 |
I am as tall as my father. |
「 私はお父さんより背が高いです。 」 |
I am
taller than my father.
「 私は家族の中で一番背が高いです。 」 |
I am the
tallest in my family.
「 数学は英語を同じぐらい難しいです。 」 |
Math is
as difficult
as English.
「 数学は英語よりも難しいです。 」 |
Math is
more difficult than English.
「 数学は全部の教科の中で最も難しいです。 」 |
Math is the most difficult of all subjects. |
問1 ( )内の語を正しい形に直し、和訳しなさい。 ①He is (tall) than his mother. ②Hokkaido is (large) than Kyusyu. ③This train runs (fast) than that one. ④She gets up (early) than her brother. ⑤The world is getting (small) than before. ⑥Your school is much (big) than mine. |
問2 各文の( )に適語を入れて、日本文に合う英文を完成させなさい。 ① あれは日本で一番高い建物です。 That is ( ) ( ) building in Japan. ② 光太は3人の中で一番若いです。. Kota is the ( ) ( ) the three. ③ 2月はすべての月の中でいちばん短いですか。 Is February the ( ) ( ) all the month? ④ サキはクラスでいちばん熱心に勉強します。 Saki studies the ( ) ( ) her class. ⑤ 彼女は私たちの中でいちばん速く泳ぐことができます。 She can swim the ( ) ( ) us. ⑥ 奈良は日本で最も古い都市のひとつです。] Nara is ( )of the ( ) cities in Japan. |
① あれは日本でいちばん高い建物です。
That is ( the ) ( tallest ) building in Japan. highestでも可
② 光太は3人の中で一番若いです。.
Kota is the ( youngest )( of ) the three.
③ 2月はすべての月の中でいちばん短いですか。
Is February the ( shortest )( of ) all the month?
④ 恵美はクラスでいちばん熱心に勉強します。
Emi studies the ( hardest )( in ) her class.
⑤ 彼女は私たちの中でいちばん速く泳ぐことができます。
She can swim the ( fastest ) ( of ) us.
⑥ 奈良は日本で最も古い都市のひとつです。]
Nara is ( one ) of the ( oldest ) cities in Japan.
「 これはいくらですか? 」 |
How much
is this? |
「 あなたは何冊の本をもっていますか?
」 |
How many
" books do you have? |
「 何時にクラスは始まりますか? 」 |
What time
" does class start? |
「 英語は何曜日ですか?
」 |
What day
" is English? |
「 あなたの背の高さは? 」 |
How tall
" are you? |
「 東京スカイツリーの高さは? 」 |
How high
" is Tokyo Sky Tree? |
「 あなたの学校の距離は? 」 |
How far
" is your school? |
「 あなたはどのくらい英語を勉強しますか? 」 |
How often
" do you study English? |
「 おいくつですか? 」 |
How old
" are you? |
「 何年に東京オリンピックはありますか? 」 |
What year
" is Tokyo Olympicl? |
「 何月に文化祭はありますか? 」 |
What month
" is school festival? |
疑問文 | 返 答 |
What is this? 「 これは何ですか? 」 |
This is a pen." 「 これはペンです。 」 |
Who teaches English? 「 誰が英語を教えますか? 」 |
Ms Green does. 「 グリーンさんが教えます。 」 |
What do you do after school? 「 あなたは放課後に何をしますか? 」 |
I play soccer 「 にサッカーをします。 」 |
How old are you? 「 あなたは何才ですか? 」 |
I'm sixteen years old. 「 私は16才です。 」 |
Why do you study English? 「 なぜあなたは英語を勉強するのですか? 」 |
Because I travel to USA next week. 「 なぜなら来週アメリカに旅行するからです。 」 |
問 中学英文法:比較の問題と例文・解説 (eigo-duke.com)
熟 語
be able to … | …できる can … |
can … |
be going to … | …するつもりである、…しようとするところだ | |||
far away | ||||
be interested in ~ | ~に興味がある | |||
be afraid of ~ | ~を恐れる | |||
be surprised at ~ | ~に驚く | |||
be proud of ~ | ~のことを自慢に思う | take pride in ~ | ||
be good at ~ | ~が上手である | |||
be famous for ~ | ~で有名である | |||
be different from ~ | ~と異なる | differ from ~ | ||
come from ~ | ~の出身である、~から来る | |||
wait for ~ | ~を待つ | |||
look for ~ | ~を探す | |||
look at ~ | ~に注目する、~を見る | |||
look like ~ | ~のように見える、~しそうである | |||
look forward to ~ | ~を楽しみにして待つ | |||
turn on ~ | ~(電気など)をつける | |||
turn off ~ | ~(電気など)を消す | |||
arrive at ~ | ~に到着する | reach ~ get to ~ |
think of ~ | ~のことを考える、~を思いつく | |||
talk about ~ | ~について話す | |||
speak to ~ | ~に話しかける | |||
give up | やめる、断念する | |||
stand up | 起立する | |||
sit down | 着席する | |||
wake up | 目覚める | |||
get up | 起きる、立ち上がる | |||
go to bed | 寝る | |||
each other | お互いに | |||
have to … | …しなければならない | must … have got to … |
a few (~) | 少数の~、少し | |||
a little (~) | 少量の~、少し | |||
a lot of ~/lots of ~ | たくさんの~ | |||
more than ~ | ~より多くの | |||
less than ~ | ~未満の | |||
according to ~ | ~によれば、~に従って | |||
all over (~) | 一面に、~の至る所に | |||
for the first time | 初めて | |||
at first | 最初は | |||
at last | ついに、最終的に | finally in the end |
after all | 結局 | |||
at home | 在宅して、くつろいで | |||
at least | 少なくとも | not less than | ||
by the way | ところで | |||
for example | 例えば | for instance | ||
every day | 毎日 | |||
one day | ある日、いつか | |||
some day | いつか | |||
the other day | 先日 | |||
in those days | その当時は | |||
before long | 間もなく、すぐに | soon | ||
so A that B | とてもAなのでB、BするほどとてもA | |||
too ~ to … | あまりに~で…できない | |||
in order to … | …するために | so as to … | ||
not A but B | AではなくB | |||
not only A but also B | AだけでなくBも | B as well as A | ||
both A and B | AとBの両方 | |||
either A or B | AかBのどちらか一方 | |||
neither A nor B | AでもBでもない | |||
between A and B | AとBの間に |
問1 各文の( )内から適語を選びなさい。また、①から③までを疑問文、④~⑥を否定文にしなさい。 ① Ken (am,are,is ) my brother. ② You (am,are,is) very kind. ③ They (am,are,was,were) busy yesterday. ④ We (are,was,were) in America last year. ⑤ Tom and I (am,was,were) good friends. ⑥ I (am,are,is) from New York. |
問2 各文の( )内から適語を選びなさい。また、①から③までを疑問文、④~⑥を否定文にしなさい。 ① You (am,are,is,was,did ) not play soccer yesterday. ② They (isn't,aren't,don't,didn't) go to America two weeks ago. ③ He didn't (listens,listen,listened) to the radio. ④ Susan (aren't,wasn't,don't,didn't,doesn't)say so last Monday. ⑤ We didn't (have,had) breakfast this morning. ⑥ Lucy (isn't take,aren't take,don't take,didn't take)many pictures. ⑦ My mother didn't cook (last,next) Saturday. |
問3 現在進行形と過去進行形
問4 ( )に適語を入れて、各文を未来形にしなさい。 ① You cook dinner. ② Yumi goes to the park. ③ My father is very busy. ④ They don't visit their teacher. ⑤ Does Mike help his father? ⑥ He is a doctor. |
⑤疑問文、この場合は Will から始めるといいですね。Will Mike help his father?
① You will cook dinner..
② Yumi will go to the park.
③ My father will be very busy.
④ They will not visit their teacher.
⑤ Will Mike help his father?
⑥ He will be a doctor. will be [~になる]
問4 日本語と同じ意味になるように( ) 内に適切な単語を入れなさい。 ①( ) is your birthday? あなたの誕生日はいつですか。 ② ( ) do you watch TV? あなたはいつテレビを見ますか。 ③( ) do you play tennis? あなたはどこでテニスをしますか。 ④ ( ) teaches science? 誰が理科を教えますか。 ⑤ ( ) bag is that? あれは誰のかばんですか。 ⑥ ( ) do you do after dinner? あなたは夕食後何をしますか。 ⑦ ( ) are you doing now? あなたは今何をしていますか。 ⑧ ( )( ) CDs do you have? あなたは CD をいくつ持っていますか。 ⑨ ( )( ) is this pencil? この鉛筆はどれくらいの長さですか。 |
動詞 現在形 過去形 不規則動詞
↓↓ 下をクリックして聴いてください。広告はスキップできます。
【総復習】中学2年 教科書英文リスニング- YouTube ① Hello, everyone. I’m Ando Saki. ② I went to Fukui with my family two weeks ago. ③ This is a picture of a dinosaur museum. ④ You can get a lot of information about dinosaurs and natural history at the museum. ⑤ We enjoyed delicious food, too. ⑥ For example, we ate Echizen soba. We had a good time. Thank you. ⑦ How did you get to Fukui? ⑧ We went there by car. ⑨ Can we see a tyrannosaurus in the museum? Yes, we can. ⑩ How many hours did you spend at the museum? We spent three hours there! We saw a lot of dinosaurs. ⑪ Back-to-School Sale! 新学期セール Midori Stationery Shop is having a sale. |
★2年で学習した重要構文 教 P146
p7 This pen is 100 yen now.
This pen was 150 yen last week.
Was this pen was 150 yen last week.?
Yes,it was.[No, it was not]
p9 I am looking for my pencil case now.
I was looking for my pencil case then.
p13 You are happy. You look happy.
p19 Iam going to visit the U.K. next week.
Are you going to visit the U.K. next week?
Yes I am[No I am not]
p21 Show me your passport ,please.
p23 People call it Big Ben.
p33 I greet customers to welcome them. greet:挨拶
p35 I want to be a chef.
p37 I have many things to do.
p55 I have to speak English here.
I do not have to speak English here. (話さなくても良い)
p57 I will show you some pictures tomorrow. 助動詞 will :意思や未来を表す
p59 You must help your mother.
p61 You must not eat too much. (食べ過ぎてはいけない)
p69 If you are interested , we will send you a catalog.
We will send you a catalog, if you are interested.
p71 I think (that) baseball is interesting.
p73 When you are busy, I will help you.
p75 I opened the window because it was hot.
p81 There is a cushion on the stage.
There are two cushions on the stage.
p83 Is there is a special stage set?
Yes, there is. [No, there is not.]
p85 We enjoyed listening to rakugo.
p87 Playing soccer is fun.
p101 The dolphin is larger than the tuna.
The blue whale is the largest of all animals.
p103 This movie is more popular than that one.
This movie is the most popular in Japan.
p105 Miho is my best friend.
p107 Miho swims as fast as Yuji.
2年間お疲れさまでした。 4月から3年生、頑張りましょう‼