


      *****  3本matching 突合処理のドライバ  *****  [MATDV3]     (20 f10)

      * [ データの社員cdに 重複・分散・err がある場合 ] *
      * [ 制御を総てキー値 (high-value利用)で行う場合 ] *
      *  (  ) 内に命令等を記述する

       procedure            division.
      **********  ( driver - module )  **********
           open input (f1) (f2) (f3) output (f4)
           perform f1-rtn thru f1-ex
           perform f2-rtn thru f2-ex
           perform f3-rtn thru f3-ex
           perform until (f1キー = high-value) and
                          (f2キー = high-value) and
                           (f3キー = high-value)
             evaluate true
               when (f1キー < f2キー) and (f1キー < f3キー)
                                  perform s1-rtn thru s1-ex
                                  perform f1-rtn thru f1-ex
               when (f1キー > f2キー) perform e2-rtn thru e2-ex
                                  perform f2-rtn thru f2-ex
               when (f1キー > f3キー) perform e3-rtn thru e3-ex
                                  perform f3-rtn thru f3-ex
               when (f1キー = f2キー) perform s2-rtn thru s2-ex
                                  perform f2-rtn thru f2-ex
               when (f1キー = f3キー) perform s3-rtn thru s3-ex
                                  perform f3-rtn thru f3-ex
           close (f1) (f2) (f3) (f4)  stop run.

      **********  ( process - module )  **********
       s1-rtn. (f1 を書き出す).
       s1-ex.  exit.

       s2-rtn. (f1キー = f2キー の時の処理).
       s2-ex.  exit.

       s3-rtn. (f1キー = f3キー の時の処理).
       s3-ex.  exit.

      **********  ( error - module ) **********
       e2-rtn. (f2 が error の時の処理).
       e2-ex.  exit.

       e3-rtn. (f3 が error の時の処理).
       e3-ex.  exit.
     **********  ( read - module )  **********
       f1-rtn. read (f1) end move high-value to (f1キー)
                     not end continue
       f1-ex.  exit.

       f2-rtn. read (f2) end move high-value to (f2キー)
                     not end continue
       f2-ex.  exit.

       f3-rtn. read (f3) end move high-value to (f3キー)
                     not end continue
       f3-ex.  exit.

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