The leaders could even afford this accident:

S K103
H KJ75
D J87
C Q108
S J9754
H A94
D A965
C 5

S -
H 108632
D Q104
C K9742
S AQ862
D K32
C AJ63
West North East South
Follenlus Hamman LindKvist Kaminski
Pass Pass Pass 1
Pass 2 Pass 3
Pass 4 Pass Pass
Dbl All Pass

West started by leading by his singleton club. Declarer, Amos Kaminski, went up with dummy's queen, and it held the trick. A heart went to the queen and ace, and West made it easy for declarer by switching to the A and another diamond (two tricks too late). Now Kaminski could afford the luxury of cashing the A to confirm the 5-0 break. Plus 590 was worth 116 IMPs.

The best ending on this deal occurred at the table.

West North East South
Fox A.Yamada Katz Kyoko
3! 3
Pass 4 Pass Pass
Dbl All Pass
The play to the first two tricks was as above, but Roy Fox returned a heart at trick three. Declarer, Kyoko Ohno, discarded two diamonds on the hearts and then finessed the J. West ruffed and could have defeated the contract by cashing the A, but in fact he returned a trump. Declarer won dummy's 10 and cashed the rest of her spade. With one round to go the position was:
S -
H 7
D J8
C 10
S -
H -
D A965
C -

S -
H -
D Q10
C K9
S 8
H -
C A6
On the final trump dummy released a heart, but East was squeezed, He threw the 10, but then Kyoko led the K and had to take two of the last three tricks. A rather pretty steppingstone play.