Probable Percentage Frequency of Distribution Patterns

Pattern % Specific
4-4-3-2 21.5512 1.7960
4-3-3-3 10.5361 2.6340
4-4-4-1 2.9932 0.7480
5-3-3-2 15.5168 1.2930
5-4-3-1 12.9307 0.5390
5-4-2-2 10.5797 0.8820
5-5-2-1 3.1739 0.2640
5-4-4-0 1.2433 0.1040
5-5-3-0 0.8952 0.0750
6-3-2-2 5.6425 0.4700
6-4-2-1 4.7021 0.1960
6-3-3-1 3.4482 0.2870
6-4-3-0 1.3262 0.0550
6-5-1-1 0.7053 0.0590
6-5-2-0 0.6511 0.0270
6-6-1-0 0.0723 0.0060
7-3-2-1 1.8808 0.0780
7-2-2-2 0.5129 0.1280
7-4-1-1 0.3918 0.0330
7-4-2-0 0.3617 0.0150
7-3-3-0 0.2652 0.0220
7-5-1-0 0.1085 0.0050
7-6-0-0 0.0056 0.0005
8-2-2-1 0.1924 0.0160
8-3-1-1 0.1176 0.0100
8-3-2-0 0.1085 0.0050
8-4-1-0 0.0452 0.0020
8-5-0-0 0.0031 0.0003
9-2-1-1 0.0178 0.0010
9-3-1-0 0.0100 0.0004
9-2-2-0 0.0082 0.0007
9-4-0-0 0.0010 0.00008
10-2-1-0 0.0011 0.00004
10-1-1-1 0.0004 0.0001
10-3-0-0 0.00015 0.00001
11-1-1-0 0.00002 0.000002
11-2-0-0 0.00001 0.000001
12-1-0-0 0.(6)03 0.(7)03
13-0-0-0 0.(8)06 0.(9)01

This table may be used to determine percentages of various distribution patterns, both for hand patterns and suit patterns. Figures are expresses in percentage of hands. The percentage expectation of a particular pattern with the suit identified is given in the last column. For example, the chance that a given player has four spades, four heart, three diamonds, and two clubs is 1.796%.

By Encyclopedia of Bridge (ACBL)