JCBL HomePage
Yotsuya Bridge Center

UPDATE :Augl. 21 2024

English Version
Bridge Clubs in JCBL
Master Point Ranking
Abbreviations for WBF Convention card
Mathematical Tables
Diamond Life Master players
Gallery (Players of Japan)
Image of Card Mark
Bridge system & convention Links
World Official Bridge Organizations Links
National & Regional Tournaments Schedule
Olympiad (Japan Team Results)
"Probability on Contract Bridge" by Katsumi
JCBL homepage (English Version) (LINK)

Japanese Version
Master Point Ranking
JCBL New Convention Card (Excel file)
The how to use "Bridgemate"scoring system. (BM)
JCBL Tournament Results
Number of National Titles  
"compute for bridge odds" by Katsumi (LINK)
"sometimes useful bidding lessons" by KAZ (LINK)
PABF Report
World Bridge Championships
Olympiad (WMSG)
Tips for Bridge players by Totoro
From the hand of an actual bridge game (by yama)
The bulletin board system (BBS).
“Learn to Play Bridge” (LTPB). Download Page
Yotsuya Bridge Center (LINK)
JCBL homepage (LINK)

My Private Room

since April 1998
大野 京子 Kyoko OHNO